Workshop Announcement
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) and Extended Matching Items (EMI)
Organized by
Medical Education Unit
National University of Singapore
Despite the frequent and wide usage of MCQs in student assessment, many concerns. Are still being raised. Can we improve upon MCQs to test beyond knowledge recall? Can we make MCQs clinically relevant? What are the advantages of newer formats of objective questions such as EMIs?
This workshop will be based on current evidences and recommendations. We will have plenty of opportunity to develop and review our own MCQs and EMIs.
This hands-on workshop will focus on the followings:
  1. Current trends and recommendations in MCQs
  2. Development of MCQs
  3. Review of MCQs
  4. Development of EMIs
At the end of the workshop, we hope to work together and develop MCQs and EMIs that we can use during student assessment.
Principal Facilitators:
Dr Zubair Amin, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, NUS
Prof Margery Davis, Director, Center of Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK
Fee: SD$100.00 (First-come first-served; limited to 40 persons only)
Date: Tuesday 27th July 2004
Venue: Faculty of Medicine
Enquiries: please contact Ms Sarah Ng, Administrative Officer, MEU at:
Phone: (65) 6874-1049; Fax: (65) 6872-1454.