Best Practices for Vaccine Communications: Lessons Learned on Preparedness and Policy Implications From India, Indonesia and the Philippines

25 January 2022

The significance of vaccine hesitancy for the COVID-19 global public health emergency is now well understood. The ability of government and its institutions to minimise and counter vaccine hesitancy has become an economic and political imperative, as well as an urgent public health priority.

Communication preparedness is a critical policy tool to achieve this end — one that is no less essential than other elements of pandemic response such as vaccine planning, procurement and the logistics of delivery. This report formulates a framework, LISTEN (see page 6), for best practices in vaccine communication preparedness, highlighting implications for three Asian countries — India, Indonesia and the Philippines — in light of their COVID-19 vaccine rollout experience. Best-practice benchmarks are derived from various countries, including those with similar population sizes and low-to-middle-income economies. Drawing on the expertise of opinion leaders as well as reviewing best practices among countries with high vaccine acceptance rates of 60%-80% ( as of September 2021) the report defines six clear and actionable COVID-19 vaccine communications best practices under the LISTEN framework.

Click on the link below to access the full report:

Best Practices for Vaccine Communications: Lessons Learned on Preparedness and Policy Implications From India, Indonesia and the Philippines